Working Together Achieving More
Welcome to Springfield Primary School
‘The road to water – Kallaroo’
We are a safe, caring, inclusive and supportive environment for all our school community.
We are an interesting, enjoyable and exciting place to be for students, staff and parents.
We are a Community School that values and involves all.

Celebrating 50 years 1972 – 2022
Springfield Primary School is an Independent Public School located in Kallaroo catering for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Our strong focus on pastoral care builds positive relationships to achieve our motto of ‘Working Together, Achieving More.’
We are a small school, and as such are able to provide children with a holistic education that focuses on the personal touch – academically, socially and emotionally.
Our well-established school has a strong academic program that provides excellent pastoral care support for each child.
Our teachers will deliver innovative and engaging programs tailored to meet the needs of your child. Our quality teaching and learning programs cover the Western Australian Curriculum, with a focus on literacy and numeracy, in combination with special programs in visual and performing arts, French and physical education. We also offer opportunities for your child to achieve success in our choir and band, as well as art and sporting competitions.
Our quality Early Childhood program balances explicit teaching with play-based learning. A strong focus of our teaching is using both indoor and outdoor learning environments – in the classroom and in our excellent nature play facilities.
Specialist Education Programs
We wish to acknowledge the traditional owners and first peoples of this land, the Whadjuk people of the Perth region from the Noongar nation and their Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge, recognise, respect and seek to learn from their continuing culture and the contribution that they make to the life of this city and this region.