School hours and attendance

School Day: 8.50 am – 3.00 pm Recess: 10.40am – 11.00am Lunch: 12.50pm – 1.30pm

Arrival at School

Parents are asked that students do not arrive at school before 8.30am as we cannot guarantee supervision. On occasion, early morning choir or special activities will be conducted under the direction and supervision of a member of the teaching staff.

Students who arrive late to school are to come to the Front Office first to ensure they are marked as late and not as absent.

Collecting your child during school hours

A student may leave the school grounds during school hours provided he/she is collected by an authorised, responsible adult who has signed them out at the front office.


If a child is going to be late or absent, please provide a brief written explanation. We are happy for you to call into the Front Office, ring us on 9407 3000 or send a contact of absence through either email or via Compass or by SMS on 0447 350140. Frequent unexplained absences and/or attendance falling below 90% will lead to enquiries by our student services team and the school principal.

In the event of illness or an accident at school, parents will be contacted as soon as possible to arrange further care for the child.

Explanatory notes from parents are requested for:

  • Daily absences from school
  • Exclusion from sport and physical education activities for medical reasons.