Travelling to school

There is limited parent parking around the school. Parents are requested to be patient and adhere to parking restrictions/signage on surrounding streets.

Parents should note that the staff car parks are not available to parents as drop-off or pick-up because of the limited space and inherent danger to children and pedestrians. However, parents needing to see teachers may use the lower car park.

Parents are strongly urged to make proper use of the Kiss & Drive facility on Bridgewater Drive, or to park in Koombana Way (at the rear of the school) or Bridgewater Drive and walk their children to their classrooms. Please avoid using Batavia Place as much as possible as this area has become a serious traffic hazard in the past and is very restricted in space.

The car park next to the Front Office offers dedicated space for staff and visitors. Please do not use this as a Kiss & Drive area. For safety reasons, children are not permitted to walk unaccompanied through the school’s car parks, especially when entering or leaving the school grounds.

A controlled cross-walk is located on Dampier Avenue, close to Alicia Street. An attendant is on duty here between 8.00am-9.00am and 3.00-4.00pm on school days.

Students crossing Dampier Avenue are requested to use this facility when walking or riding to and from school.

There are bike racks provided for students. Bikes are not to be ridden/used around the school site and helmets must be worn.

Children are encouraged to ride or walk to school.

Dogs on the school ground

Dogs are not permitted onto any school grounds in accordance with Department of Education requirements.


All parents and community members coming into our school during school hours are asked to come to the Front Office (administration building) to sign in and collect a sticker. This is an important part of the school’s Risk Management Procedures.