Gifted and Talented

What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning. 

At Springfield we endeavour to support creative and critical thinkers and empower them to achieve their personal best. 

Students at Springfield Primary School are offered the opportunity to participate in the merit selected Gifted and Talented education PEAC program.

PEAC is a part time program for Year 5 and 6 students in public schools across Western Australia.  Children are withdrawn from regular classes to attend PEAC classes.

Identified students are selected to participate in innovative and challenging programs. The PEAC program offers;

  • social interaction with gifted and talented peers
  • intellectual rigour and challenge
  • pursuit of excellence
  • development of higher order process skills
  • in-depth investigations of real problems
  • open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
  • opportunities to interact with practising experts
  • students working at their own pace
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.

Many PEAC students go on to apply for entry into Gifted and Talented programs in secondary schools across the state and study with gifted peers.

Early Years Extension

Springfield Primary also accesses the PEAC  short extension program for children in Years 1-3 who perform exceptionally well in the Pre-primary On-Entry assessment and/or through teacher nomination.  This program is called the Early Years Extension program (EYE). Similar to the PEAC program for our older students, the EYE program offers academic extension and challenge for our youngest students.

The EYE teaching program has been designed to ensure that it is:

  • supplementary to school provision;
  • rigorous in content and application;
  • continuously monitored and evaluated; and
  • aligned to the skills, strengths and needs of the students.